This database was designed to facilitate handling of large plasmid collections.
It is based on the idea of an numbered collection where every new plasmid has an defined number, which will not change over time.
Furthermore the database does not allow plasmids to be deleted. Single plasmids can only be marked as "lost". This way the data related to plasmids will not be lost.
The database is user-based so information on who entered plasmids is stored and changes can only be done by the authors or users with admin rights.
The aliquots of each plasmid (two aliquots should be in stock - one should ALWAYS remain there) will be kept in boxes with according to their defined number (e.g. Box 1: plasmids 1 to 49).

Plasmid name:
• The name always has to include the name of the vector backbone and schould be build up in the following manner: BACKBONE[_PROTEININSERT[[_SPACER]_LABEL]][_CLONE#].
• Exeptions of the order should only be made if LABEL and PROTEIN order is reverse: BACKBONE[[_LABEL[_SPACER]]_PROTEININSERT][_CLONE#].
• If the Position of the LABEL is within the PROTEININSERT stick to regular order and describe position of LABEL in the description field.
• If PROTEININSERT is included in antisense direction this should not affect naming. But include this information in the description part. In this case please choose the order of PROTEININSERT and LABEL with respect to the direction of PROTEININSERT (3' of PROTEININSERT: PROTEININSERT[[_SPACER]_LABEL]).

• Please note again vector backbone, detailed description of protein insert and direction and detailed description of spacer and label and its position related to the protein insert.
• If plasmid is an empty vector, or vector backbone is not a common one, please include description on backbone information: promotor, antibiotica resistence, etc.

• Please note name of person or company who contributed the plasmid.

Derived from:
• If plasmid is commercially available leave empty.
• If plasmid is published please note publication details.
• If plasmid is created by your own please note used donor and acceptor vectors (include PlasmidBase IDs if already listed!).
• To include automatic crossreferences to existing database entries type in format "PB#00001".

Cloning Strategy:
• If plasmid is created by your own please describe cloning strategy (e.g. used restriction enzymes, addition of restriction sites by PCR).

Aliquot Status:
• Here you should choose the status of aliquots in stock. In stock should be always two aliquots. ONE MUST ALWAYS REMAIN THERE. If aliquots get empty please do retransformations to fill up.
This database was created by Malte Butzlaff, who is always available for comments and suggestions.
This database was created by Malte Butzlaff